Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Organization and Discipline

What are some of the factors that differentiate those who are successful and those who are not? I believe that the key differences are their level of discipline, organization and determination. Sure, you can still achieve success with a very low level of these things but people who can do this are few and far between, not to mention quite exceptional. If you are not a person who is capable of becoming organized, disciplined and organized there is one other option, leverage.

Organization is a big time saving skill for those who have it. I know many college and university students who have very messy rooms and that’s the way they like it since it doesn’t take too much effort. However, they often lose their work because they misplaced it in their room under the pile of boxes of Kraft Dinner, dirty laundry and beer bottles. I also know many university students who receive exceptional marks from their professors and these students are extremely organized and responsible. They keep all their notes in order and in a specific place where they can find them. All of these acquantances and friends also happened to go to elementary school with me and are both capable of great work. Elementary school teachers hound the students for their homework and really grind them to write the name and date and place their work in their binders. Post secondary institutions however are a totally different story, the responsibility lies solely on the student’s shoulders and this is where the disorganized students crumble.

Determination and discipline are intrinsic values that are very crucial to success in any field. Every year, on December 31st, people across the world have New Year’s parties where they make resolutions. Everyone is guilty of making one of those “work out every day this year” or “quit smoking forever” type of resolutions. Not surprisingly, most of these resolutions end up unfulfilled because of lack of discipline. Beginning the task is easy. You could do fine for a few days, a week, or maybe, if you’re really good, a month or two, but most people do not consistently take action. They stop just a meter short of the finish line. Those who possess great intrinsic determination and motivation are able to push through at that last second and finish the race. And in the end their efforts are rewarded, they accomplish their goals and they’re on to the next one. Discipline allows them to get past the hard times so they can see get the long term results.

If you are an extremely lazy person, there is an alternative. Have you ever played that game “Would you rather?” If you haven’t it goes something like this… One person asks “Would you rather eat a whole jar of peanut butter or kiss a fat guy?” and the other person says “Ewww kiss a fat guy? I’ll eat the peanut butter.” Tell a close friend or someone you trust that you are going to fulfill your resolution and that if you don’t you will have to do something of their choice… like clean all the toilets in your house, do something embarrassing or as simple as giving them a hundred dollars. In most cases the person would rather work out everyday than pay a large ammount of money or do something embarrassing.


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