Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Secret About Great Teachers

At this day and age I noticed that we have fewer exceptional teachers, and more mediocre teachers. I believe that the mediocre teachers lack something very crucial that hinders them from ever achieving greatness. Extraordinary teachers have a passion for what they do, they have a positive attitude and they can motivate students by relating to them and working within their incentive systems.

Spectacular teachers becoming scarcer we have begun to accept mediocrity as long as they have the practical knowledge and a piece of paper that says they do – a degree or certificate. These “teachers” have all the practical knowledge you could want; they might be able to parrot back to you the entire encyclopedia Britannica, but they still lack something, that “so close yet so far” – passion. A superstar teacher who is passionate is naturally talented because they love what they do, they are doing it because they want to see students learn and grow, and as a result they have radiate charisma and a contagious enthusiasm. I am not dreaming, teachers like this are few and far between, but they do exist. A teacher who is passionate about teaching can inspire you to be passionate about teaching and look at life in a totally different light.

Another quality a great teacher possesses is the ability to see things in a positive light and the ability to take responsibility. They don’t blame people for their mistakes, they don’t have a victim’s mentality, and they don’t want to cut themselves when someone gives them constructive criticism. Every mistake and critique they receive is something they can learn from so that they can really refine and improve on their teaching ability. They don’t play the blame game or make excuses; they take responsibility and think about what they can change, they believe that they are the masters of their destiny. A teacher who makes excuses and has a victim mentality doesn’t have control of his life, is controlled externally, never changes, never improves, and never becomes great. On the other hand, the great teacher takes responsibility, takes control of his life, takes action, adapts, improves, and achieves his goals.

Although a great teacher can generally spark a student’s dormant enthusiasm and passion, there are some who need to be motivated differently. Any great teacher is able to ‘walk in their shoes’ and take some time to think about what makes the students motivated. They know that young kids and adolescents have a different paradigm and mindset and that the same things that make adults tick aren’t necessarily the same things that make young students tick. I have seen some truly excellent teachers use this to their advantage by offering incentives such as snacks, fieldtrips, and recognition and witnessed how effective it is.

In brief, these are some of the main traits of the truly successful, wonderful, and inspirational teachers. The things that truly separate the magnificent and the mediocre are passion for teaching, the ability to take responsibility and maintain a positive attitude, and see the world through the eyes of their students. I see a bright future for the aspiring teachers who possess these traits, as they will become legends, who will continue to inspire for years to come.

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