Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I see you, "Avatar"

I don't usually go to a theater twice for watching the same movie.
But I did actually only for Avatar! That means this movie have something special.
I don't enjoy watching 3D, science fiction and action moive too much.
But my friends asked me to go to a theater together so that I checked it out from some blogs of other reviwers before watching. After then, I was so exciting and couldn't wait to watch it!

It's an amazing and exciting 3D movie and you can't image how many people watch this movie.
The film board said that It's about 6,081,183 people watched since released the movie on the 17th of Dec. Now the movie professionals are expected to exceed 10million moviegoers!!

As you see, the director of avatar is James Cameron who already led "Titanic" and "Terminator" to hit the box office 10 years ago.
This movie was completed after going through nearly 18years of production. It's such a long terms to make.

The story is including in a love and conflicts between the main character who became a new living thing", Avatar and pandora indigenous woman and also in an exhaustion of natural resources in the mess and unavoidable war.

The war begin after that the earth people wanted to take a substituted resources from a peaceful planet pandora for solving the problem of the energy depletion. That's the point and the main story of this movie.
Expecially, you should watch carefully the confrontation scene of between the indigenous people,Na’vi and the earth people and the beautiful the world of Na’vi!

I think the natural world of Na'vi and the first mankind life look simillar.
Jake learn how to commune with all of nature and living thing and experience an restlessness of mind from their life and mind, showing their respect to the nature while living together with them.

In the real world, Na'vi is disappeared now. But they defended their world, pandora, against the earth people who have a high tech weaponry in this movie.
Finally they could keep their beautiful world because they won!

This movie give us a living lesson and a chance to re-think about our earth and life. If you're looking for a movie which touch your feeling or you like 3D movie, you should watch this movie! You won't regret i guarantee!

Enjoy watching it! =)

By HeeJung

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