Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Recipe - Ichigo Daifuku (Strawberry rice cake stuffed with bean jam)

I love Ichigo Daifuku. This is one of Japanese popular sweets.
The way of making is very eazy and the taste is very good.

ingredientsStrawberries7 pieces
(For 7 pieces ofShiratamako(Rice flour)100g
Ichigo Daifuku)Sugar100g
Anko(Bean jam)100g
Katakuriko(Potato starch)Suitable quantity

1. Divide 100g of Anko(Bean Jam) into 7 pieces, then wrap 7 pieces of strawberries with them. (Make Anko balls which have strawberries inside)

2. Put 100g of Shiratamako(Rice flour) and 100g of Sugar into a heat-resistant container, then add 150cc of water little by little and stir it until it becomes smooth.

3. Put it into a microwave and heat it for 3 minutes then stir it. And put it into a microwave again and heat it for 1 minutes then stir it. (This is the dough of Ichigo Daifuku)

4. Divide the dough into 7 pieces, then wrap 7 pieces of Anko balls with them.

5. Dust them with Katakuriko(Potato starch)

Enjoy! By Kurumi

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