Tuesday, December 11, 2007

What is your idea on teaching?

Those of you who are reading this category will have interest in teaching and some are already in service or have plan to teach in the future. If then, what is your idea on teaching. Before taking the TESOL(Teaching English to Speakers of other languages) you need to conceptualize with your own view to succeed in your study and do not be disappointed after took the program.

With my idea I think teaching is the process of knowing myself rather than conveying knowledge to the students in my class. If we do not know ourselves we could not teach anybody. Even though we can teach but there are critical absent like a empty bowl. To be a sincere teacher you try to contemplate and find yourself  thereafter you can reborn as a real teacher. And, if you want to be serious in your life I strongly recommend to take TESOL program even you are not interest in being a English teacher. The program will bring you a lot of resource in your life.

We have spent almost 2007, now it is the time to warp up and to plan coming year. Whatever you do I hope you will succeed in your field. See you in the next story.

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