Elephants never forget
They have a long nose, big ears and cute small eyes on their big face,, yes they are elephants.
People say that "elephants never forget". Let me talk about these wise animals, elephants.
Elephants are mammals. They are the largest land animals that alive today. The number of elephants has been decreasing because people hunt them to get their ivory and skin. They are endangered today.
They have great memory so people say that "elephants never forget". They can listen to our language. If I speak in Japanese and you speak English, it is said that elephants can notice that you and I use different languages. For example, people from Masai used to kill elephants so elephants are afraid of people who speak Masai's language. Especially elephants are afraid of men from Masai because men used to kill them. They remember that women didn't hurt them. They have high mentality.
In the Hindu religion, they believe the god named Ganeza. Ganeza has a Human's body with a big tummy and 4 arms but its face is elephant with a broken ivory. In the religion, people believe that Ganeza removes difficulties from their life then brings happiness in their life. People also believe the god as a god of wisdom and knowledge.
When I went to a zoo last year, I saw two elephants which were performing in front of many audiences. Then a trainer of the elephants told us that elephants are very wise so they never forget what they have experienced. After I heard that story, I looked over about elephants on Internet because I wondered if it was true story what the trainer of the elephants said at the zoo. The Internet says the exactly same thing "elephants never forget". And when I found the story about the god of Hindu religion, I thought it was very interesting because the god has elephant's face and it is believed as a god of wisdom and knowledge. I'm not sure if it is said so because elephants are wise animals but I was very impressed by these facts.
By Kurumi
People say that "elephants never forget". Let me talk about these wise animals, elephants.
Elephants are mammals. They are the largest land animals that alive today. The number of elephants has been decreasing because people hunt them to get their ivory and skin. They are endangered today.
They have great memory so people say that "elephants never forget". They can listen to our language. If I speak in Japanese and you speak English, it is said that elephants can notice that you and I use different languages. For example, people from Masai used to kill elephants so elephants are afraid of people who speak Masai's language. Especially elephants are afraid of men from Masai because men used to kill them. They remember that women didn't hurt them. They have high mentality.

When I went to a zoo last year, I saw two elephants which were performing in front of many audiences. Then a trainer of the elephants told us that elephants are very wise so they never forget what they have experienced. After I heard that story, I looked over about elephants on Internet because I wondered if it was true story what the trainer of the elephants said at the zoo. The Internet says the exactly same thing "elephants never forget". And when I found the story about the god of Hindu religion, I thought it was very interesting because the god has elephant's face and it is believed as a god of wisdom and knowledge. I'm not sure if it is said so because elephants are wise animals but I was very impressed by these facts.
By Kurumi