C/F feet/m lb/kg
Which do you use Celsius or Fahrenheit to describe temperature?
In North America, some people use Fahrenheit.
When you hear this conversation on the street, what do you think???
"It's going to be 32 degrees tomorrow."
"Really???oh,,,It's gonna be cold,,,I need a heavy jacket, gloves and a scarf!!!"
32 degrees?????It is hot!!!!!!you might think like this.
Actually they are using Fahrenheit instead of Celsius to describe temperature.
32 degrees fahrenheit means 0 degree celsius.
Now you understand,don't you?
It is very interesting to know different measurement.
When I was asked my hight by my friend, I answered 1.6 meters.
My friend was puzzled and asked me to describe with feet.
I DON'T KNOW! was my answer.
It was 5.2 feet.
1.5 meters is 5 feet.
2 meters is 7 feet.
1 foot is 0.3 meters ; means 30 centimeters.
So, it is about meter times 3.3 is foot(feet).
I can't tell you my weight,,,but here is a tip for lb(pound) and kg(kilogram).
100 lb is about 45 kg. 110 lb is about 50kg. 154 lb is about 70 kg.
Can you calculate your weight now?!
I remember just kg is about half of lb.This is not true but,,,,easy.

I like below 22 degrees fahrenheit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!love cold weather!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by yo-yo