Power of Tones
Do you know that tones have power to make you feel relaxed?Don't you feel relaxed when you listen to your favorite music?
Don't you feel relaxed when you hear the sound of the wave and the murmur of the brook?
It is because those sounds have an effect to heal your heart psychologically.
The effect of the sounds have been attracting people recently.Relaxation music has both regular sound like a metronome and irregular sound like a noise of the radio. These two sounds harmonize well with each other. We have the same kind of rhythms in our bodies. That is why we can feel the slight comfortable tones of the sounds and our brain and tension of the muscle can be relaxed.
I take TOEIC class at ATC. TOEIC class is difficult for me so when I finish it, I am always tired. But music is always played during our break time in ATC so I can feel relaxed even after the difficult TOEIC class.
My favorite relaxation music is Beatles' music.
What's your favorite relaxation music??
By Kurumi