Quebec city-The pictureque city in Canada
How long have you been to Canada?
Have you ever been to
Quebec city???
If not,you must visit at least once.
The atmosphere of Quebec city is totaly different from the rest of Canada.
When you enter the walls around
Quebec city downtown,there are
houses pulling carriges, antique
attractive buildings,blick roads,wall
cafe,antique shops,restaurants open
until midnight..............lots!
You feel
like you are in Europe.
Don't worry! You don't have to be able to speak French.
People in Quebec city can speak English also.
Not everyone ,but many of them.

There is at least one person can speak English everywhere.

If not,,,,,still don't worry!They are very very NICE!!!!!!!!!!
They try to understand you patiently.

And you will hear.....
Comment ca va?=How are you?
Tres bien =Fine
Merci= Thank you
Bienvenue=Welcome or
I recommend you to visit QUEBEC CITY !
Such a nice city there is!!!
Why not?!!!!!
by yoshi