Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
No pain No gain
I have been to in vancouver for several times. actually when l came to here, l had good and new expierance in my life. so l love in here. maybe most of people who live in here love vancouver.
Most of people who meet somewhere always make a smile and are friendly
in my country, we can hardly see that situation.
We just looks scared and pretend to ignore as we meet at first time.
The other thing l love vancouver is l can improve my English ability.
when l can't speak English well, l didn't have confidence. and it was diffcult to me.
l study over and over again.. l'm getting better.^^
The most important thing is English is international language.
whenever we go abroad if you can speak English, lt's doesn't matter for us.
Frankly since l was middle school, lots of student were under stress due to English.
as you know, everything is difficult to us at first time.
anyway... 'NO PAIN NO GAIN' so you just try to study it.
by sue
Monday, March 24, 2008
good news to your health
We usually go to somewhere such as reasturant, or a coffee shop....
If you have no idea where you should go ..How about drinking a cup of coffee~?
Actually, most of people usually drink a cup of coffee after a meal or whenever .
In my case, l had sever constipation since l was in high school.
My stomach was getting worse and worse and i felt terrible.
fortunately, l heard from TV program about goodness of coffee.
l tried to drink a cup of coffee once a day...
After a while ,I'm getting better... l can't live without coffee.
so, l love coffee now and forever~
but you need to be careful that you don't drink too much coffee.
The coffee has some side-effect. Don't foreget it
let's enjoy drinking a cup of coffee during break time and after meal.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Have you tried Sudoku before?
It is really fun, but sometimes it is difficult to find out. So, if you do difficut Sudoku, you should fight your brain. When you figure out it , you will feel exellent and accomlishment.
Let's try it!
You can find Sudoku by newspaper, 24hours and Metro. Rules of Sudoku is place a number from 1-9 in each empty cell. Each row, column and 3*3 block bound - ed by bold line (9 blocks) contains all the numbers from 1-9.
Here is the puzzle. Good luck!
by hye lim
"The Pursuit of Happiness"
Yesterday i saw a nice movie which the title is "the Pursuit of Huppiness".
I was pleasantly overwhelmed by the story and for two hours I lost track of time.
The main character, Chris Gardener (who is intepreted with pathos by Will Smith), is the father of a vivaciuos five years old kid . Despite his efford, Chris has not a real job. In a blink of a eye the situation get drammatic when his unsutisfied wife left the family for a job in
New York city.
The hard times don't forbid Chris to face his wife and keeping his boy with him anyway. Here a struggling adventure start roaming around the streets of San Francisco.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008
AKI - Japanese Restaurant
Have you ever been to Japan?
- 일본에 가 본 적 있나요??
If you have not been to Japan but you want to feel like in Japan~ I recommend to go to 'AKI'.
- 일본에 가본적은 없지만, 일본에 있다고 느끼고 싶다면~ 'AKI'를 추천합니다.
In Vancouver there is a small Japan which is the Japanese Restaurant 'AKI'.
- 벤쿠버에 'AKI'라는 작은 일본, 일본 레스토랑이 있답니다.'AKI' is one of the oldest Japanese restaurants in the city.
-'AKI'는 벤쿠버의 가장 오래된 일본 레스토랑 중 하나입니다.
It's located in 745 ThurlowVancouver, BC V6E 3L2. If you know about downtown in Vancouver, it's really easy to find it!!
- 이 곳의 위치는 745 ThurlowVancouver이며, 만약 벤쿠버의 시내를 아시는 분이라면 쉽게 찾을 수 있습니다.
When I went to 'AKI', it remained me that I was in Japan!!
- 제가 'AKI'를 갔을 때 그 곳은 내가 일본에 있었을 때를 생각나게 하였습니다.
The atmosphere was so cozy and the waitress was freindly, besides the cheif was so handsome!!
(Actually it's just my own opinion but it's an important point! )
- 분위기는 편안하고 따뜻하며, 종업원 역시 매우 친절하며, 뿐만아니라 요리사 역시 너무 맘에 들었습니다.
Of course, you can eat really awesome foods!!
-물론 아주 맛있는 음식을 먹을 수 있답니다.
At that time, I ordered salmon and tuna sushi. The sushi was so fresh that I felt in to the sea!! I couldn't forget the taste!
- 레스토랑에 갔을 때, 난 연어와 참치 초밥을 시켰는데 초밥이 너무나 신선하여 마치 바닷가에 와있는듯 했습니다 . 그 초밥의 맛을 잊을 수 없습니다.
And there is lots of Japanese food, you can eat many kinds of Japanese food!
- 그리고 그 곳엔 많은 일본 음식이 있어서 많은 종류의 일본 음식을 맛볼 수 있습니다.
If you want to feel like in Japan or you want to try Japanese food, why don't you go to 'AKI' !!
by bora~
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
mt seymour trail
Vancouver is surrounded by marvelous mountains. Thera are three mountains easy to access from the middle of the city by bus. Usually the people, the radio, and the newspapper speak only about skiing or snowbording there. But not everyone likes skiing or snowbording and, most importantly, the lift tickets and the equipment are expensive, right?
So, if you like hiking, and you know about the satisfaction of getting to the peak (it doesn't matter if it is Hymalaya or lower!), or if you like the view of the city and the ocean, or simply if you want to spend a different kind of day with your friends, there are some awesome trails in those mountains.
Two hiking trails start gently at the base and west side of the chairlift of Mt. Seymour ski area . It is 7 km (return) to reach the first peak or 3 km (return) for the lake trip. For the longest trip, if you are in good shape it takes around 1 hour, but nobody's trying to catch you, so you can take it easy and enjoy the beatifull view that will be laid out for you after you pass the trees.
I suggest bringing some food and drinks with you and enjoying picnics with your friends and perhaps having a drammatic dinner on the peak. After a big snowfall or generally during the winter season (seeing that on Seymour it snows frequently!) you need a pair of snowshoes. You can rent it the day before in some sports shop in the city. At MEC (mountain-equipment-coop) on Brodway avenue it will cost you around 10 dollars. You can also rent the snowshoes directly at the rental shop of Mt. Seymour but it's not cheeper.
In winter conditions you have to check the avalanche board at the beginning of the trail. By convention there are 4 different levels of avalanche risk: Low, moderate, considerable and high.
You must always be carefull but if you follow the trail in "low" or "moderate" conditions there is hardly any risk and you may even see some schools bringing children there!
I'm sure you will be awestruck by the unreal and magical atmosphere and by the "bubble snow trees"!!! So enjoy .........
Monday, March 10, 2008
공존하는 문화. 벤쿠버...
내가 처음 벤쿠버로 여학연수를 정하고 벤쿠버에 도착하기까지, 물론 영어에 대한 두려움도 컸지만, 무엇보다도 '내가 잘 적응 할 수 있을까......' 하는 생각이 먼저 들었다. 무엇보다도 우리나라가 아닌 외국에 가서 가족도, 친구도 없는 곳에서 혼자서 모든 것을 해내야 했기에.... 아마 누구든 처음은 그렇게 느낄 것이다.
하지만 막상 벤쿠버에 도착하고 지내다보니, 정말 많은 국적의 사람들이 공존하고 있는 것을 느꼈다. 물론 한국 학생들도 쉽게 볼 수 있다. 여러 국가의 사람들이 보여있다보니, 세계의 문화를 한 곳에서 접할 수 있었다. 그만큼 여러 국가 사람들은 서로의 문화를 이해해주고, 존중해 주며, 어울리기 쉽고, 편한 곳이 벤쿠버라고 생각한다.
한민족, 한국가인 우리나라에만 지내다가 벤쿠버에서 여러 문화를 접하다 보니, 자연스레 여러 문화에 대한 지식도 쌓을 수 있고, 이해심도 넓어지는 나의 모습을 볼 수 있었다. 가끔 그들의 문화를 함께 체험함으로써 그들의 생활과 생각을 느낄 수 있었다.
처음 문화의 다양성을 느꼈을 때는 록키 산맥을 관광했을 때인데, 17개국의 54명의 여행객과 함께 여행을 하게 되었다. 그 때 아랍국가의 여행객들이 항상 그들의 신에 대해 경의를 표하는 모습을 쉽게 볼 수 있었는데 비록 매번 그 행위로 인해 항상 제 시간을 맞추진 못했지만, 그 것이 얼마나 중요한 일임을 느낄 수 있었다.
그리고 두번째는 브라질 축제 '카니발'에 갔을 때였다. 어느 클럽에 일본친구와 함께 가게 되었는데, 그 곳은 브라질 사람들로 이미 가득 차 있었다. 그들은 그들의 노래를 부르고, 춤도 함께 추며 축제를 즐겼다. 물론 나도 그들릐 춤인 '삼바'를 배우고 함께 춤도 추며 그들과 함께 축제를 즐겼다. 축제를 하는 동안, 난 그들이 정말 음악과 춤을 사랑하는 국가임을 몸소 느꼈다. 그 곳에 있으니 마치 내가 브라질에 간 듯한 느낌이 들었을 뿐만 아니라 그들의 열정과 삶을 느낄 수 있었다.
그 외에도 벤쿠버에는 여러 국가의 다양한 축제들이 열리는 곳이다. 이 모든 것이 나에게는 새로운 것이기에 항상 배우고 느끼려고 노력하고 있다. 이 모든 기회가 나에게는 행복이다. 벤쿠버에 있으면서 캐나다의 생활은 물론이고, 전 세계의 생활도 함께 접할 수 있어, 아주 흥미롭고, 배울 곳이 많은 곳이라 생각한다.
만약 어학연수를 생각하고 있는 학생이라면 벤쿠버를 추천한다. 아마 생각하는것 이상의 다양성을 느낄 수 있을 것이다.
영어 뿐만 아니라 여러나라의 문화를 함께 체험하고 싶다면... 벤쿠버로 오라.~ ^^
Vancouver is amazing city.
When I was in korea, I had eicided to go to Vancouver because I heard Vancouver is the best country to live in the world. As much as I heard about Vancouver, I thought vancouver is safe, exciting, beautiful and so on.
But it was more than what I'd thought. When I came to vancouver, I was surprised. It was pretty beautiful and clean in vancouver. Everything was different from Korea. culture...people, atmosphere of city......
I was curious about everything whatever I see & hear. But there were many korean in Vancouver, so I was disappointed in it a little. By the way, I had changed my mind. Because meeting korean was good to me as meeting foreigners.
It made me curious, afraid and scared that everything was not familiar to me although Vancouver was an exciting city to me who just arrived in Vancouver.
At that time, I wasn't brave and I needed help. Then, I was helped by friends from korea. So, I was able to enjoy many things with my friends in Canada.
hese help made me think Vancouver is amazing city. Many things which made me scared and
afraid looked and felt like fun, amazing and exciting. I could feel something different from I felt in korea and had experiences and made new friends who's from Japan, Mexico, canada, Turky and Korea . When I was with my friends, I was really happy and everything looked good.
I learned how to talk and make my life funny with english. If I didn't meet my friends , I would still be afraid to live in Canada.
I realized that a friend is important in my life again. And friends made me think vancouver is amazing city.
Enjoy your life with your friends!
Thursday, March 6, 2008
fabrizio in canada!
“Enjoi Canada!” mi e’ stato detto appena atterrato. “ I will” ho risposto, ostentando un innaturale sicurazza inusuale per uno straniero appena approdato in una nuova nazione.
Il mio nome e’ Fabrizio e sono un bolognese momentaneamente trasferitosi a Vancouver.
Sono arrivato ai primi di dicembre con la “scusa” di imparare finalmente l’inglese.
Oggi sono esattamente tre mesi che sono “canadese” e sto cercando di cambiare il mio volo di ritorno perche’ il 21 aprile e’ decisamente troppo presto!
Perche’ Vancouver?
Perche’ la gente qui e’ davvero squisita, cordiale, interessante e, come dicono loro, “easy going”. Mi sono sentito canadese appena sceso dall’aereo quando ancora balbettavo solo qualche parola d’inglese appresa viaggiando qua e la.
L’ospitalita’ e la gentilezza dei canadesi credo non abbia eguali. Questo e’ di notevole importanza, soprattutto se si e’ lontani da casa (e qui si e’ decisamente lontani).
Oramai ho perso il conto delle persone spettacolari, bizarre, gentili, che ho conosciuto.
Qua un sacco di gente va in giro in bici anche d’invero, compreso me! C’e' un grande senso civico, tante piste ciclabili, raccolta dei rifiuti obbligatoria, i pedoni hanno sempre la precedenza ed in generale e’ forte il senso del vivere insieme... in un bel posto!
Oltre alle spiagge e all’OCEANO, Vancouver e’ sormontata da alcune splendide montagne.
Ci sono tre comprensori sciistici raggiungibili con bus o navette direttamente dal centro della citta’ con piste illuminate fino alle 10 di sera. Oltre alla incredibile quantita’ di neve che questi comprensori ricevono (momentaneamente hanno circa 450 cm!) la vista e’ davvero memorabile. Sciare praticamente sull’oceano e’ una cosa che toglie decisamente il fiato.
Ma ci sono tante altre cose che si possono fare. Per esempio qua il livello musicale e’ altissimo. Ho visto giovani band di ventenni impegnate in performance notevolissime. Tanti piccolo club in cui ogni sera si esibiscono gruppi davvero bravi.
Poi Seattle, la “Mecca” della musica (per noi cresciuti musicalmente negli anni ’90) e’ a sole 3 ore di pullman!
Anche i divertimenti notturni non mancano, si va da locali alla moda dove i giovani arrivano addirittura in Limousine a centri sociali davvero curiosi e stimolanti o ancora a graziosi pub in cui una volta a settimana i giovani del quartiere si sfidano allo “slam poetry”...gara di poesie, o altre sere “open mic” dove ognuno porta il proprio strumento e ha tutto il palco a disposizione per dieci minuti.
Insomma le possibilita’ che offre questa citta’ sono infinite. Il clima e’ mite anche in inverno e raramente nevica in citta’ (cosa insolita per il resto del Canada). Quest’inverno per ora ha nevicato solo tre volte. In compenso in dicembre e gennaio piove spesso ma cio’ significa neve, neve e neve nelle montagne che vedo dalla finestra di casa mia!
Yeah, ..... I’m enjoing Canada!
Have you ever tried Greek food? There is a famous Greek restaurant named STEPHO'S. It is located in Davie Street.(between Thurlow St. and Bute St.). It is very popular so, if you go there during the busy time, you should line up out side of the restaurant.
Why is it so popular? I think the foods are really good and the atmosphere is good as well. Also, they serve us plenty of food but the prices are reasonable(very cheap). I really like that. That's why many people love that restaurant including me.If you don't know what to order I recommend "Souvlaki". It is served with beef (lamb or chicken),rice and salad. Also, "Moussaka" is good too. It is like Greek Lasagna. While you are waiting for the food, they give you some bread to eat (for free).
The waiter and the waitress are very nice. If you go there once you'll go there again later. Are you looking for a nice Greek restaurant? Go to Stepho's !
by Erin
Read more...Wednesday, March 5, 2008
How to improve English(It might be your the last chance to learn english in canada.)
Now.. I want to tell that 'How can we improve English more than others.'
A large part of my explantion which is going to be written you've also already known.
The why I want to talk about this. We can remind ourself that these important facts for English and we can take a leap agian.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
I recommend to enjoy Vancouver life!!!
How is your Vancouver life?
If you feel bored and sick to study English in the Library, I'll recommend you a place where you can feel comfortable and concentrate on!!!
The place is a coffee shop!!
Actually, I felt my life was so boring these days. Of course, in Vancouver there is a lot of something to do for sightseeing. When I stayed in Vancouver first month, everything was always new and interesting, but after 7 months my life was getting boring.
Expecially the winter season in Vancouver is always rainy and my feeling is more gloomy.
But one day... I went to a coffee shop and I spent lots of time with my friends. At that time, I lost track of time!!! I felt really happy and comfortable, even though outside was rainy!!
After that experience, I realized that there was no point in feeling gloomy.!!! I enjoyed going to the coffee shop(I went there almost everyday!!!) and I noticed that I've gotten positive mind. Besides, I enjoyed a rain day. Whenever I saw rain fall drinking coffee, I felt romantic.!!!
Another day, I was home and I should have to go to the library for studying English. However, a library is far from my home. It takes 30 minutes by foot. So, I was considering going to a library. Actually, I can't study in my house. I can't concentrate on studying because of TV and computer.!!! I might as well had to decided to go! On my way to the library, I saw a lot of people who studied in a coffee shop. I changed my mind and entered the coffee shop.! I'd never studied in coffee shop before, so I wondered how they could study such as a noisy place. After few minutes I realized and I got used to studying.!!! When I couldn't concentrate on, I just listened into a native's conversation. It's good for my listening skill even though it's a little bit rude behavior.!! Having finished the study, I felt fulfilment.!!
I prefer going to a coffee shop to going to a library. Although coffee costs some money.
Now, I love spending time in a coffee shop and enjoy Vancouver's weather.!!
If you want to enjoy Vancouver's life, you should try to spend time in a coffee shop.!!
I recommend it.!!!!
step up 2 the streets
Are you afraid to see a movie in english?
Today I would like to recommend you, who study english and think that listening in english is difficult, this movie which tittle is "Step up 2 the streets".
This movie is so good that it's easy to understand what players say and help your listening with dance. It is exciting and funny.
The contents of a story is about passion and dream of the young people who like dance.
If you see the movie, first, you could see their passion for dancing with their effort.
And I ensure it'll make you to stimulate for your dream.
Second, this movie show us a competition with street dancers.
However, their style of dance is different from the street dance, they study and practice dancing.
At this time they learn how to associate with other people and dance together.
The competition make love, freindship and fight. But this movie handle that their passion and effort come out on top.
If you see the movie, you will feel better and be got an advice by them.
Also, this movie will help your listening.
If you have a time , try it and enjoy it with dance!
It'll make you happy and you will be able to get some advice.
by hye lim
simply different
I come from Bologna (Italy) and my name is Fabrizio ( i know it's difficult to pronunce for you!)
Bologna is a small medieval town between Florence and Venice. It is not so small, but.... for the North American standard...yes it is small (everything is relative no?).
Anyway, we have the oldest University in the world (since 1088) and we are very proud of that. We have a lot of students from every part of the world, also Canadian for example, so it is an interesting city.
In this way, Bologna is very similar to the multicultural and open minded city, Vancouver, where I'm living this nice winter. But in Vancouver everything has grown to enourmous proportions!
I'm not only talking about the huge streets, or the high buildings, or the big cars but also of the multicultural integration, of the cultural ferment or of the young and original possibilities for the young people (like me for example).
Everything here is huge...even the milk packaging!
The distances here are are so different. But the differences whip me up. The world would be (and maybe will be) dull if anyone looks, does, wears, eat, thinks the same things.
So, why we are doing that?
I don't like to confront myself with a mirror. If we were all the same, it would be so dull, whereas the good message of the globalization should be in the direction to appreciate our diversity, not viceversa.
So I'm enjoing Vancouver because there are many different etnic groups, because the streets are so different from the narrow streets of my mediaval town, because I can't say which one is better...because they are... simply different!
Who do you want to share your lovely dinner with?
Do you usually cook by yourself?
Since I came to Vancouver, I've started cooking by myself.
As you know, we can find diverse food stuff here in a multicultural city as Vancouver.
So, I can enjoy cooking so far, even though it's tiring for me to keep preparing every meal, every day.
But, sometimes, it tends to be the most boring thing in the world.
Cooking something only for myself.... I don't know how to put this in words, but "boring."
When I was in Japan, sometimes I cooked for my family.
Mostly, they complained about its strange taste, however, I could enjoy cooking to hear that.
I love to share joyful time with my family, close friends, boyfriend or someone special to me by talking over my strange meals.
Who do you want to share your lovely dinner with?
by Ai
Between Victoria & Vancouver
Do you know Victoria? As many international students live in vancouver also know, of course this isn't just girls name. it's a one of the most beautiful city in canada. Victoria is set in the midst of some of the most spectacular natural beauty in the world.As many peeple know, Canada environment is very beautiful and clean. But if you visit Victoria you can breathe more fresh air then Vancouver. I think many international students live in vancouver know about the victoria but many international students haven't been there yet.
Probably you may have a question where do i have to visit in victoria as a tourist?I am about to interduce somewhere gorgeous in Victoria. Here are answers.
First, 'Inner harbour'
When you walk around the beach near Inner harbour. You can find that A building in victoria harmonize with nature of Victoria very well. FRESH AIR, BRIGHT SMILES come from the natives, THE BUATIFUL SUNSHINE. you can also see the Empress hotel which is the most famous hotel in victoria. you can feel somethings speacil from the Empress hotel(It's a little bit hard to explain but The Empress hotel is pretty diffrent from many hotel in vancouver).
Second, 'Buchard Garden'
These gardens are really a place that you have to visit when you come to Victoria. It's one of the most popular gardens and the biggest attraction here. There are many different gardens like the sunken gardens, the Japanese gardens, the rose gardens, and the Italian Gardens. Especailly, In the summer the gardens are fill with lights at night. And in the winter for Christmas. I've been there 3times with my girl freind before. It was amazing every momonets when i've been there wtih my girl freind. Beautiful gardens, Beautiful light, Beautiful mood~
It might be good chance to make a good mood with a your sweety heart as well. :)
Obviously It is not lack to make a good atmosphere not only with a your sweety heart but also with your freinds , family~~.
Third, ' Crystal Gardens'
This indoor tropical rainforest in the heart of British Columbia’s capital features the world's smallest monkeys; over 65 species of endangered birds and mammals; hundreds of tropical plants and vibrant blossoms; and dozens of species of exotic butterflies. Along your journey, you will also find fascinating information about everything you see! It's a very interesting place to visit. The why you visit here that you want to retrive your childish innocence. It must be excellent choise~!:)
Even though I've just mentioned about three place to visit but there are many amazing things in victoria. YOU WOULD BE FELT AT EASE VISISING VINCTORIA.
Have you been feeling heavy because of excessively a high building in vancouver?
Have you been feeling heavy because of too much a car?
If you feel like that and you feel that you need freedom~
you've already readied to go~~!
Travelling Around Alberta
On the first day, we got up at 8:00AM and we headed to Edmonton. I expected to go to Rocky mountain that day, but we went to the dinosaur museum.I was dissapointed but there were a lot of intersting things there. Also, I saw real dinosaur bones. I heard the place was the habitat of dinosaurs.It was pretty interesting. After seeing the museum, we went to Edmonton mall which is the biggist mall in the world. Everything was there like a shopping mall, swimming pool, a musement park and so on.
The next day, finally we went to the Rocky mountains. The weather was great but the view of the Rocky mountains was absolutely beautiful. After all we arrived in Banff where I liked the most in Rocky mountains. Especially Lake Louise was fantastic. I've never seen that emerald color lake. I didn't want to leave that place. It was getting dark when we left Benff. We went to a pub to drink beer because it was our last day in Alberta.
Next morning, we got on the plane to go back to Vancouver. I already missed everywhere in Alberta even though I didn't leave Alberta. I want to go back here with my family.I want my family to see that wonderful nature.
Monday, March 3, 2008
Working as a barista in Vancouver
Working as a barista has always been an ideal job of mine. I've kept applying for a barista since I could start working here in Vancouver. When I was in Korea, one of the soap operas, the title of which is
As you know, barista is a person who makes coffee specially and satisfies their customer with the greatest happiness. Barista has not only a lot of knowledge and a highly-developed sense of taste about coffee but also communication skills with their customers and co-workers.
I really like to have and make coffee and basically I like to meet people and work with a lot of people. I’m actually excited about a fresh start to work at Starbucks soon! I think I can get a lot of satisfaction by working and meeting people there. I hope to find myself enjoying my job as a barista soon! ^^
by Sohee
How to enjoy living in Vancouver
Lots of people who live in Vancouver say living in Vancouver is kind of boring. I totally agreed with this when I first arrived here because I didn't know what to do. I don't even have my family and my friends here so, I often felt lonely. And it seemed there was nothing to do.
However, I'm getting used to being here and also I like living in Vancouver more and more. I found out there are a lot to do here in Vancouver even in the winter season.
First, I can go snowboarding. If you like going snowboarding you can go whenever you want because the ski resort is very close from downtown Vancouver. You can take a sea bus and then take a bus. It only takes about 30minutes. What great nature! Also, you can go to Whistler which is one of the greatest mountains in the world. It isn't far from here. It only takes two and a half hours from here.
Second, I can ride a bicycle, rollerblade or skateboard in Stanley Park. If you live downtown, you can go jogging in English Bay( Which is my favorite place in Vancouver^^). You can see clear water, cute animals and beautiful scenary.
Finally, There are lots of beautiful parks I can go to. If you don't know what to do and where to go, you can just go to a park anytime. It's hard to find such a nice park near downtown in Korea actually. That's why I love the nature in Vancouver.
There are lots of more interesting things here which I have not even found out yet. I like to try new things and I'm going to find out more fun things to do. I'm enjoying living here and I want you to enjoy living here like me.
by Erin